Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's been a while

Boy oh boy, what a month. I had no idea it had been THAT long. What a lot I haven't told you about.

Went to my training in Brisbane and combined that with my Parents combined 60th Birthday - very great time had.

Took the kids to Dreamworld and we had a awesome time. They loved it and I went on some rides that I had promised myself never to do again lol.

Had a lovely time with the family for the rest of the weekend. Loved spending time with my nephew - Denzel (and the rest of my neices and nephews too, but seeing as Denzel's only 2 months old - it was extra special)

Eating during this time was ok - had a few wines during the weekend, but nothing outrageous. Did some exercise while I was at the hotel - Treadmill and weights, that type of thing.

Then said "hooray" to the family and ventured onto the New Job training course, which was in a word - AWESOME!!!! Best sales training I have ever done. Again went well with the food and drink and did some exercise. However, what I did learn was that sometimes you can't be in total control of what you eat. I made the best of a bad situation however, wraps over pizza - that sort of thing.

Anyway, upon returning home, i had put on 800gms. So not terribly terrible, but not fantastic either.

Started my new job on the Monday and have loved it so far - very busy and full on, but that's how I like it.

The team have been great and I'm pretty sure I am starting to find my feet.

As for the rest of my weight loss - I am up to 13 kilo's down now - which I am really happy about. The end date is the 21st May to which I will have hoped to loose another 7 kilo's.

The great thing is that I am now in clothes that I haven't worn in 8 + years. And yes, I still have some of those in my wardrobe (hoarder much....)

We are having a reveal on the 21st - sort of like a before and after for the family which is very exciting, means we get to dress up and make the most of what we've accomplished. I can't wait. We get to invite family and friends - which is cool - as it has taken a lot of support from everyone to do this.

I will post some photos of before and current a bit later, I'm not seeing a massive difference - but they say that's always the case - but the clothes obvioulsy say it's working :-)

Anyway, thats enough waffle from me for now. I promise to update more often.

We should have some fun photos after the weekend, the biggest loser contestants are becoming "human Lamington's" - ie: being drowned in a chocolatey mixture and then rolled in coconut.

Ah... the things we do for radio.......

Until next time - have a great easter everyone.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Woop Woop Woop

Well I'm very excited.. My goal was to lose 10kgs by the time I went to Brisbane for my holiday/work training and I DID IT!!!!!
At this mornings (Monday) weigh in I've lost 10.5kgs. So by the time i go on Wedneday, that will hopefully be 11kgs.

It's been very hard work but I have enjoyed it so far.
I pulled some clothes out of the wardrobe that I haven't worn for a very long time and they felt great. So that's added incentive.

We have another challenge before I go, so that will put me on track.
We did the spin class last week - OMG I haven't been so sore in all my life. But boy did it get you sweating and working hard.

Needless to say my stay in Brisbane/Gold Coast will be a good test. Lots of temptation lol

I have checked out the hotels I am staying in during my time down south and they both have gyms and swimming pools. So the exercise shouldnt be a problem (it will keep me away from the bar lol)

Don't know if I'll blog while I'm there, I'll see how I go.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Plodding along

Well it's the beginning of week 5!!! I can't believe that in the past four weeks, I have exercised way more days than I haven't, I havn't touch a drop of wine, beer, rum, or pina colada. Nor have I had a bite of a McDonalds burger, chips and dip, ice cream etc etc.
This is a major accomplishment.

So where do I stand - 8.3 kgs lighter, 4.2% less body fat, about 20cms gone from all over the place. Happier -- Yes!!!

Went to the local shops on Saturday and finally fit an Item of clothing that wasn't from the "Plus" size section - very happy about that. (Didn't fit it enough to buy it, but I did the zip up and thats a start lol)

I am definatley still enjoying it a lot. The exercise, whilst I don't like getting out of bed, I am really loving. The feeling at the end is great..

The Challenge last week was Zumba and you all know my feelings on that topic - needless to say I loved it.

The food however, I have had enough of. The vege/small amount of lean meat diet has got to go. I only lost 800 gms this week and while the long term weight watcher in me, says that's great. Sorry, but at this point of the challenge it's not enough. I'm putting that down to a few thing - My calorie intake isn't enough (I'm guessing I've only been averaging 800 - 1000 per day) and no where near enough protein.
Also, I had a sore neck for 3 days and didn't get to the gym.

So goodbye detox colonics diet and welcome back calorie counting. I'm sure I'll see some differences this week.

I plan to go to the gym every morning this week, as well us our normal challange for a Tuesday and Zumba on Thursday. Hopefully this should see at least a 1.7kgs loss, as I am going to Brisbane next Wednesday and want to have lost 10kgs by then.

Anyway, will update more later.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bit of a Rave and a bit of a rant!!!

Well it's Day 21 on the Biggest Loser diet and after 3 weeks, I have lost 7.5 kgs, which I am extremely happy about. The exercise doesn't hurt as much (but rest assured, it still hurts)
And I am fitting my clothes a lot better. So that's all fantastic.

However.... (and here comes the rant) I am SOOOOOO over salad and vegetables. Now, I know that I should be eating more than that, but lets not forget my colonic and my "Clean" diet that is also detoxing my system. So with that, vege's and protein are about it. And I am comfortable enough to say.... I am struggling with it.

Will I perservere, YES. But I'm not liking it. I would like to get to 15kgs lost before I go back to a weight watchers style diet, that way, I am well and truely kick started and then I can re-introduce all those foods that make the diet more balanced.

The good thing is, I'm not overly tired or lethagic, so I can't be under eating, however I could up my protein intake and the trainer at the Gym is going to talk to me about that after my next measurement session on the weekend.

But all in all, I'm going well.... but it will be nice when I can enjoy food again :-)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Going great guns!!!!

Well, it has been interesting.
This is day 15 and so far so good. 5.2kgs down and feeling great.
Our challenge last week was good, we walked up the hill for a warm up and then ran up and down the beach like dingbats. Was very sweaty and tired by the time I was finished - but I guess thats the goal isn't it.

We were also offered the opportunity of being introduced to the world of Colonic treatments. Well what can I say - I told myself I was opening up to different opportunities for the next three months, so thats exactly what I am going to do.

I booked myself in and went to see Sue at Bottoms up Colonics on Saturday - what a experience - I won't go into the details, but I highly recommend everyone try it at least once.

Anyway, she put me on a eating plan that was designed to clean up my system and it consists of veges, veges, veges and a some meat thrown in..... Not as bad as it sounds - but a lot to get used to. I won't even pretend to try and explain the in's and out's of it here, but it all makes sense and like I said, I'm giving it all a go.

So my diet is very different to what it normally it. Not a bad thing - obvioulsy considering the weight loss so far - and no I'm not expecting it to carry on as fast as that forever, but for the next couple of weeks would be good.

I have a history of losing 10 kilo's and then stopping, only to put it all back on again. But not this time.

Tomorrow the Radio station has a big annoucement for us on the radio - so that will be interesting. Apparently we should all be very scared. Nervous maybe - scared??? not yet.

Less than a month till my trip to Brisbane and hopefully I have lost a total of 10 kilo's before I go. That would make me very happy.

Anyway, will go now- will update on the big news tomorrow.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Progress to Date

Well, what a week. Overall, I have enjoyed it.

The food thing has gone really well, lots of fresh fruit and vege's. Steak, chicken and fish.

I have tried a couple of new receipes, and only one that I really liked - Rosemary rice.

Very helpful, considering Rosemary is the only fresh herb I have (so far).

Haven't really been tempted, even when driving through the drive-through to buy the kids and hubby dinner from Macca's after a gym session the other night.

Then even when the son left 2 bites of a Big Mac - I didn't eat it. I picked it up and put it straight in the bin. Hooray me!!!!!

I made myself a chicken and vege stir fry and it was great.

The exercise - well, it's been hard but I have enjoyed it. Sunday I hurt bad, Monday it was a bit better, Tuesday after the Pump class the night before I hurt again, and have been getting better each day.

So far since Monday, I have done a Pump class, 2 cardio sessions (45 mins each) and 2 weight sessions (60 mins each).

So today, I am little weary. However, tomorrow I am back to the gym in the morning and then off to do some form of fun exercise with the kids in the afternoon.

Sunday I will have the day off.
Weigh in is on Monday morning, so that will be the true test of how well I've done.
The actual competition we haven't really been part of as yet - On Tuesday we are meeting as a group for the first time for our first challenge. We are meeting at a local lookout, which I have a niggling feeling we are going to have to climb. The photo below shows a picture someone took from the top - this may look like a mole hill to some, but to me it looks like a mountain.

Anyway, will update you more after Tuesday.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Biggest Loser - via Radio

Well, I'm finally about to venture into something interesting !!!!
Our local radio station is having a promotion for the next three months in conjunction with the Biggest Loser show on TV. But they are obviously doing it via radio.
They called for people to enter and so I thought, what the hell!
And guess what?? I got picked........ Anyone who has know me for a while, knows I also got married via the radio - must be a thing of mine....

So what do I get out of it.....
1. 3 Month gym membership (which I plan to flog at least 6 days a week)
2. Personal training sessions (how many I'm not sure yet)
3. Tailored eating plan (consisting of salad and grilled chicken I'm sure)
4. The whole of Mackay hearing my progress from week to week
5. Fabulous new me at the end of the three months (or at least a smaller me :-) )

Which I think is what I need. I have gone down the WW route, Tony Ferguson, Atkins blah blah blah. None of that worked.... because of a few reasons.
1. I'm a bit lazy in this department
2. There was no-one there to kick my arse
3. Who cares if my family and friends know I failed, they'll get over it.

So, why not try it this way. I'm really hoping my competitive streak kicks in and I'm pretty sure it will. I have a point to prove.

They are going to have weekly challenges along the way - pulling buses, running up hills etc etc. So that should be interesting.

Anyway, I think my blogs will be full of info on this challenge, which I am really excited about.

Might even post some photos along the way.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cyclone Yasi

Well we weathered the storm. Not that much head our way. We were the lucky ones at the southern most tip of the cyclone.
Yesterday was nuts, there were people everywhere in the morning buying up generators, masking tape, supplies, gas etc. It was good to see, as everyone was taking it seriously.
My concern is that because we didn't get much from this one, that people will start getting complacent the next time we get a warning. The Mackayite's (god love 'em) never seem to think it will hit. And I hope it never does.....
But the day we stop preparing will be the day that it does pick Mackay and will leave no parishioner's. I for one will continue to tape up my windows, fill my water bottles, plan my escape route and generally take each warning seriously.
I have a feeling we haven't heard the last of Mother Nature for this season.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tropical North Queensland

Why oh why did we move up here?????
What a wild and woolley weekend we had. It blew a gale, there were rains and more winds. But we were ok. Poor Bowen (about 1 hrs drive from here) cop'd it, but we ain't seen nothing yet.

Cyclone Yasi is on it's way and it doesn't look friendly. Tape will definately be put up on the windows and a Cyclone kit will be placed into the 4WD. Not scared, just nervous.

It is a harrowing time, we have been in Disaster aversion mode at work also, making sure everything is tied down and secure. All the kids are worried about however, is if there is school.
Well they haven't shut these down yet. But watch this space......

In saying that generally, Mackay is a beautiful place to live - the winters are awesome, not too cold and always sunny. I'll talk about the summer once I get through this one :-)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Apologies to all Australian's!!!!

Australia Day - It comes around every year on January 26th. And much like Waitangi day back home, it's all about celebrating the wonderful country we live in and what it means to be Australian (or kiwi who's lived here 10 years, so same as :-) )
Plan's were made - Little bit of yard work, get some meat, swim in pool, drink alcohol and cook BBQ.
Sounded great didn't it!!!!
The actual day went very very different. It started the night before, when I decided that I would do something a little different and wait up for Hubby when he arrived home from night shift at 1.30am. So to keep myself occupied, I did the house work - vacumned, mopped, dusted, dishes, washing you name it, it was done.
Was gettin very weary about 11.30pm and being that I'd done enough housework and it was fairly warm out, I went for a swim, rum in hand. Was lovely.
Got a little tired about 12.30am but hung in there and once hubby arrived home (who by the way didn't believe I'd make it), we chatted, watched a bit of tv, and then retired about 3am. So I've now been up 21 hours.

Well awoke at 8.30am to the TV blaring while young son decided he'd had enough sleep. So that was the end of the sleep in. However was very tired, so we set out to the shops to get the last of the meat etc for the bbq. And another case of Rum for the drinking session of the afternoon.

We got home around lunch time, had hot dogs and then sat in front of the TV, well after American Pie, 1 and 2, I decided that it may be time for a little lay down. BIG mistake.

5pm, I arose .... Australia day, what Australia day - I'd missed it. So I cracked my first drink at 5.15pm and was not in the mood to go on the bender that I had planned.
So the family and I had a small bbq just for us. And we were all in bed by 9.30pm

So, sorry guys, I let the team down - can't go calling myself Australian yet can I..........
Better luck next year.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weekend wrap up??

What a busy weekend!!!
Finally my house is looking lovely again (from the outside anyway!)
We scrubbed and water blasted and cleared and mowed. It looks now like it did the day we moved in. Very lovely. Now to keep it like that :-)
But alas, the inside!!!!! What a disaster zone!!
It's not great when the first thing you say when people walk in is "Don't mind the mess"

And to think that my catch cry this year was supposed to be "organised" hah, what a joke.
Well time to pull my socks up and really mean it. Unfortunatley that means reving the children, and thats alway fun.

We then took the family up to Eungella Dam - about 120km drive from Mackay. What a lovely spot, yet another camping destination. Which left me thinking as to why we don't camp more often. It's relatively cheap, we have all the gear, but we don't do it??? Very annoying and another resolve to fix that very soon. Maybe for Hubby's birthday in February. That's if we are not in the middle of a cyclone lol.

Also cooked another new dish on the weekend. DS (son) came home with a torn out receipe from a magazine. Creamy brocoli and ham crepes. Yummo, it was great and looked just like the receipe picture. Now thats always a first.

Well, thats about it for today. Time to go and get organised :-)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Feel a little nervous....

Gee, after the amount of people that actually read yesterday's blog I feel a little pressured to back it up with another entry. Isn't that weird!!!
But what if I have nothing to say?? Probably best that I don't say anything (if you ask my Mother lol)

I remember what I forgot to mention in yesterday's blog.... I am aspiring to be a gardener!! Yes, for those who know me, this is pretty funny. However, with all the floods around Australia, vege's are about to get very scarce and expensive. So, I'm being proactive.

I have decided to put down some seeds, only because the Seedlings at my local Bunnings were hopelessly pathetic. So I decided that many other people grow successfully from seed, it can't be that hard.

I trundled off to Bunnings on the weekend and purchased some seed trays, soil and some seeds. Lettuce, Radish (to please the Hubby) and Carrots. I then lovingly planted them, labelled them with sticks out of the kids art box and waited.

Hooray hooray, I have shoots and only after 5 days. Its very exciting. So we'll have to wait and see how good it gets. But I am a little optimistic....

Anyway, thats my waffle for today. I'll post more when it gets interesting. :-)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First Blog

Well, here I am. Filling cyperspace with my thoughts and opinions. Arn't you lucky :-)

You will find my reason's for blogging as part of my profile. But the long and short is cause I wanna!!!

I have a feeling like I'm not contributing to the world as a whole in a big way, yes yes, I raise 2 children and a Husband, but am I leaving a mark. Probably not.

So, how to change this....... God knows.

But here are a few ideas I have this year, that may bring me a little closer to leaving a mark somewhere. Call them New Years resolutions if you want, but I prefer not to. Not after all my normal failed attempts.

1. Stop working full time for someone else.
I am currently a Sales Administrator for a company in Mackay and whilst I don't mind it, I really really don't like the non flexible time restraints it gives me. I honestly feel that it stops me from completing my other life goals - read more, exercise more etc etc.
Obviously the big flaw with just quitting is the Money, which you will see in my profile is one of those things that I love. So how to replace that income????
Those that know me will know that I have tried every make money fast option known to man - Omega trend, Amway, Nutrimetics, Avon, Tupperware, Party light etc etc etc.
Well about 3/4 way through last year I stumbled on a ad for a Home based business manager for the Mackay region. So sent Resume off, had the phone call discussions, talked the Hubby into it and here I am.
I am the Group Distributor for Mackay for a company called Homecare Direct Shopping. Awesome company, great products and support. But that's not the reason for the blog either.... I'm not recruiting you - unless you live in Mackay :-)
That's just a background to say, that I am building a business so that I can leave work!!!! When, who knows. But it's on the goal for this year.

2. Yea yea - loss weight
Again not a resolution.... but defiantley needs to be done. I'm not healthy, although I try to convince myself that I am, but with a father dead from a heart attack at 44 years of age, I better do something soon.....

3. Cook more
Not that I don't cook already. We mostly eat home cooked meals. Maybe 6 nights a week, but I don't cook well. Yes, I have raised two healthy children and none of us have scurvy, but it's not what you would call gourmet (or even tasty) most of the time lol. So I've tuned into a lot of Jamie Oliver shows and lots of cooking blogs. I am definately into the cooking that doesn't take all day, but still tastes good. It's a little harder for me sometimes as Hubby and DD are fussy eaters. They would say that they arn't but they are. And yes, I hear you say - tell them to eat it or make their own - if only it was that easy :-)

4. Read more
I used to read a lot. Like all the time, but with the full time job, the family and trying to get another business off the ground, its flat out. I still do read more than some, but not as much as I'd like. I love the weird stuff, vampires, dragons, mythological stories. As well as the chick lit's the classics and the cop dramas. So nothing is really off limits.

5. Spend more time with my kids
This may have something to do with the time thing, but I have to try and make this work. You know it's bad when they have a second family that they call Mum and Dad (you know, the mothers and fathers of their friends) Did I do that?? I can't remember. But as a Mother, I don't like it....

Well, I think that's enough for now.

My blog may get interesting or it may get boring..... But I'll keep doing it.... I hope you'll keep reading it..