Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Feel a little nervous....

Gee, after the amount of people that actually read yesterday's blog I feel a little pressured to back it up with another entry. Isn't that weird!!!
But what if I have nothing to say?? Probably best that I don't say anything (if you ask my Mother lol)

I remember what I forgot to mention in yesterday's blog.... I am aspiring to be a gardener!! Yes, for those who know me, this is pretty funny. However, with all the floods around Australia, vege's are about to get very scarce and expensive. So, I'm being proactive.

I have decided to put down some seeds, only because the Seedlings at my local Bunnings were hopelessly pathetic. So I decided that many other people grow successfully from seed, it can't be that hard.

I trundled off to Bunnings on the weekend and purchased some seed trays, soil and some seeds. Lettuce, Radish (to please the Hubby) and Carrots. I then lovingly planted them, labelled them with sticks out of the kids art box and waited.

Hooray hooray, I have shoots and only after 5 days. Its very exciting. So we'll have to wait and see how good it gets. But I am a little optimistic....

Anyway, thats my waffle for today. I'll post more when it gets interesting. :-)

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