Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First Blog

Well, here I am. Filling cyperspace with my thoughts and opinions. Arn't you lucky :-)

You will find my reason's for blogging as part of my profile. But the long and short is cause I wanna!!!

I have a feeling like I'm not contributing to the world as a whole in a big way, yes yes, I raise 2 children and a Husband, but am I leaving a mark. Probably not.

So, how to change this....... God knows.

But here are a few ideas I have this year, that may bring me a little closer to leaving a mark somewhere. Call them New Years resolutions if you want, but I prefer not to. Not after all my normal failed attempts.

1. Stop working full time for someone else.
I am currently a Sales Administrator for a company in Mackay and whilst I don't mind it, I really really don't like the non flexible time restraints it gives me. I honestly feel that it stops me from completing my other life goals - read more, exercise more etc etc.
Obviously the big flaw with just quitting is the Money, which you will see in my profile is one of those things that I love. So how to replace that income????
Those that know me will know that I have tried every make money fast option known to man - Omega trend, Amway, Nutrimetics, Avon, Tupperware, Party light etc etc etc.
Well about 3/4 way through last year I stumbled on a ad for a Home based business manager for the Mackay region. So sent Resume off, had the phone call discussions, talked the Hubby into it and here I am.
I am the Group Distributor for Mackay for a company called Homecare Direct Shopping. Awesome company, great products and support. But that's not the reason for the blog either.... I'm not recruiting you - unless you live in Mackay :-)
That's just a background to say, that I am building a business so that I can leave work!!!! When, who knows. But it's on the goal for this year.

2. Yea yea - loss weight
Again not a resolution.... but defiantley needs to be done. I'm not healthy, although I try to convince myself that I am, but with a father dead from a heart attack at 44 years of age, I better do something soon.....

3. Cook more
Not that I don't cook already. We mostly eat home cooked meals. Maybe 6 nights a week, but I don't cook well. Yes, I have raised two healthy children and none of us have scurvy, but it's not what you would call gourmet (or even tasty) most of the time lol. So I've tuned into a lot of Jamie Oliver shows and lots of cooking blogs. I am definately into the cooking that doesn't take all day, but still tastes good. It's a little harder for me sometimes as Hubby and DD are fussy eaters. They would say that they arn't but they are. And yes, I hear you say - tell them to eat it or make their own - if only it was that easy :-)

4. Read more
I used to read a lot. Like all the time, but with the full time job, the family and trying to get another business off the ground, its flat out. I still do read more than some, but not as much as I'd like. I love the weird stuff, vampires, dragons, mythological stories. As well as the chick lit's the classics and the cop dramas. So nothing is really off limits.

5. Spend more time with my kids
This may have something to do with the time thing, but I have to try and make this work. You know it's bad when they have a second family that they call Mum and Dad (you know, the mothers and fathers of their friends) Did I do that?? I can't remember. But as a Mother, I don't like it....

Well, I think that's enough for now.

My blog may get interesting or it may get boring..... But I'll keep doing it.... I hope you'll keep reading it..


  1. Hooray, I get to make the first comment on your first post! I shall keep reading as long as you keep writing....:)

  2. Love your blog Ange !
