Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weekend wrap up??

What a busy weekend!!!
Finally my house is looking lovely again (from the outside anyway!)
We scrubbed and water blasted and cleared and mowed. It looks now like it did the day we moved in. Very lovely. Now to keep it like that :-)
But alas, the inside!!!!! What a disaster zone!!
It's not great when the first thing you say when people walk in is "Don't mind the mess"

And to think that my catch cry this year was supposed to be "organised" hah, what a joke.
Well time to pull my socks up and really mean it. Unfortunatley that means reving the children, and thats alway fun.

We then took the family up to Eungella Dam - about 120km drive from Mackay. What a lovely spot, yet another camping destination. Which left me thinking as to why we don't camp more often. It's relatively cheap, we have all the gear, but we don't do it??? Very annoying and another resolve to fix that very soon. Maybe for Hubby's birthday in February. That's if we are not in the middle of a cyclone lol.

Also cooked another new dish on the weekend. DS (son) came home with a torn out receipe from a magazine. Creamy brocoli and ham crepes. Yummo, it was great and looked just like the receipe picture. Now thats always a first.

Well, thats about it for today. Time to go and get organised :-)

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