Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bit of a Rave and a bit of a rant!!!

Well it's Day 21 on the Biggest Loser diet and after 3 weeks, I have lost 7.5 kgs, which I am extremely happy about. The exercise doesn't hurt as much (but rest assured, it still hurts)
And I am fitting my clothes a lot better. So that's all fantastic.

However.... (and here comes the rant) I am SOOOOOO over salad and vegetables. Now, I know that I should be eating more than that, but lets not forget my colonic and my "Clean" diet that is also detoxing my system. So with that, vege's and protein are about it. And I am comfortable enough to say.... I am struggling with it.

Will I perservere, YES. But I'm not liking it. I would like to get to 15kgs lost before I go back to a weight watchers style diet, that way, I am well and truely kick started and then I can re-introduce all those foods that make the diet more balanced.

The good thing is, I'm not overly tired or lethagic, so I can't be under eating, however I could up my protein intake and the trainer at the Gym is going to talk to me about that after my next measurement session on the weekend.

But all in all, I'm going well.... but it will be nice when I can enjoy food again :-)

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the so over salads and vege's. i just keep telling myself it will all be worth it in the end. Keep my eye on the prize, and for me the prize is being the healthiest I have evre been in my life.

