Thursday, February 17, 2011

Progress to Date

Well, what a week. Overall, I have enjoyed it.

The food thing has gone really well, lots of fresh fruit and vege's. Steak, chicken and fish.

I have tried a couple of new receipes, and only one that I really liked - Rosemary rice.

Very helpful, considering Rosemary is the only fresh herb I have (so far).

Haven't really been tempted, even when driving through the drive-through to buy the kids and hubby dinner from Macca's after a gym session the other night.

Then even when the son left 2 bites of a Big Mac - I didn't eat it. I picked it up and put it straight in the bin. Hooray me!!!!!

I made myself a chicken and vege stir fry and it was great.

The exercise - well, it's been hard but I have enjoyed it. Sunday I hurt bad, Monday it was a bit better, Tuesday after the Pump class the night before I hurt again, and have been getting better each day.

So far since Monday, I have done a Pump class, 2 cardio sessions (45 mins each) and 2 weight sessions (60 mins each).

So today, I am little weary. However, tomorrow I am back to the gym in the morning and then off to do some form of fun exercise with the kids in the afternoon.

Sunday I will have the day off.
Weigh in is on Monday morning, so that will be the true test of how well I've done.
The actual competition we haven't really been part of as yet - On Tuesday we are meeting as a group for the first time for our first challenge. We are meeting at a local lookout, which I have a niggling feeling we are going to have to climb. The photo below shows a picture someone took from the top - this may look like a mole hill to some, but to me it looks like a mountain.

Anyway, will update you more after Tuesday.

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