Sunday, March 20, 2011

Woop Woop Woop

Well I'm very excited.. My goal was to lose 10kgs by the time I went to Brisbane for my holiday/work training and I DID IT!!!!!
At this mornings (Monday) weigh in I've lost 10.5kgs. So by the time i go on Wedneday, that will hopefully be 11kgs.

It's been very hard work but I have enjoyed it so far.
I pulled some clothes out of the wardrobe that I haven't worn for a very long time and they felt great. So that's added incentive.

We have another challenge before I go, so that will put me on track.
We did the spin class last week - OMG I haven't been so sore in all my life. But boy did it get you sweating and working hard.

Needless to say my stay in Brisbane/Gold Coast will be a good test. Lots of temptation lol

I have checked out the hotels I am staying in during my time down south and they both have gyms and swimming pools. So the exercise shouldnt be a problem (it will keep me away from the bar lol)

Don't know if I'll blog while I'm there, I'll see how I go.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Plodding along

Well it's the beginning of week 5!!! I can't believe that in the past four weeks, I have exercised way more days than I haven't, I havn't touch a drop of wine, beer, rum, or pina colada. Nor have I had a bite of a McDonalds burger, chips and dip, ice cream etc etc.
This is a major accomplishment.

So where do I stand - 8.3 kgs lighter, 4.2% less body fat, about 20cms gone from all over the place. Happier -- Yes!!!

Went to the local shops on Saturday and finally fit an Item of clothing that wasn't from the "Plus" size section - very happy about that. (Didn't fit it enough to buy it, but I did the zip up and thats a start lol)

I am definatley still enjoying it a lot. The exercise, whilst I don't like getting out of bed, I am really loving. The feeling at the end is great..

The Challenge last week was Zumba and you all know my feelings on that topic - needless to say I loved it.

The food however, I have had enough of. The vege/small amount of lean meat diet has got to go. I only lost 800 gms this week and while the long term weight watcher in me, says that's great. Sorry, but at this point of the challenge it's not enough. I'm putting that down to a few thing - My calorie intake isn't enough (I'm guessing I've only been averaging 800 - 1000 per day) and no where near enough protein.
Also, I had a sore neck for 3 days and didn't get to the gym.

So goodbye detox colonics diet and welcome back calorie counting. I'm sure I'll see some differences this week.

I plan to go to the gym every morning this week, as well us our normal challange for a Tuesday and Zumba on Thursday. Hopefully this should see at least a 1.7kgs loss, as I am going to Brisbane next Wednesday and want to have lost 10kgs by then.

Anyway, will update more later.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bit of a Rave and a bit of a rant!!!

Well it's Day 21 on the Biggest Loser diet and after 3 weeks, I have lost 7.5 kgs, which I am extremely happy about. The exercise doesn't hurt as much (but rest assured, it still hurts)
And I am fitting my clothes a lot better. So that's all fantastic.

However.... (and here comes the rant) I am SOOOOOO over salad and vegetables. Now, I know that I should be eating more than that, but lets not forget my colonic and my "Clean" diet that is also detoxing my system. So with that, vege's and protein are about it. And I am comfortable enough to say.... I am struggling with it.

Will I perservere, YES. But I'm not liking it. I would like to get to 15kgs lost before I go back to a weight watchers style diet, that way, I am well and truely kick started and then I can re-introduce all those foods that make the diet more balanced.

The good thing is, I'm not overly tired or lethagic, so I can't be under eating, however I could up my protein intake and the trainer at the Gym is going to talk to me about that after my next measurement session on the weekend.

But all in all, I'm going well.... but it will be nice when I can enjoy food again :-)