Sunday, February 27, 2011

Going great guns!!!!

Well, it has been interesting.
This is day 15 and so far so good. 5.2kgs down and feeling great.
Our challenge last week was good, we walked up the hill for a warm up and then ran up and down the beach like dingbats. Was very sweaty and tired by the time I was finished - but I guess thats the goal isn't it.

We were also offered the opportunity of being introduced to the world of Colonic treatments. Well what can I say - I told myself I was opening up to different opportunities for the next three months, so thats exactly what I am going to do.

I booked myself in and went to see Sue at Bottoms up Colonics on Saturday - what a experience - I won't go into the details, but I highly recommend everyone try it at least once.

Anyway, she put me on a eating plan that was designed to clean up my system and it consists of veges, veges, veges and a some meat thrown in..... Not as bad as it sounds - but a lot to get used to. I won't even pretend to try and explain the in's and out's of it here, but it all makes sense and like I said, I'm giving it all a go.

So my diet is very different to what it normally it. Not a bad thing - obvioulsy considering the weight loss so far - and no I'm not expecting it to carry on as fast as that forever, but for the next couple of weeks would be good.

I have a history of losing 10 kilo's and then stopping, only to put it all back on again. But not this time.

Tomorrow the Radio station has a big annoucement for us on the radio - so that will be interesting. Apparently we should all be very scared. Nervous maybe - scared??? not yet.

Less than a month till my trip to Brisbane and hopefully I have lost a total of 10 kilo's before I go. That would make me very happy.

Anyway, will go now- will update on the big news tomorrow.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Progress to Date

Well, what a week. Overall, I have enjoyed it.

The food thing has gone really well, lots of fresh fruit and vege's. Steak, chicken and fish.

I have tried a couple of new receipes, and only one that I really liked - Rosemary rice.

Very helpful, considering Rosemary is the only fresh herb I have (so far).

Haven't really been tempted, even when driving through the drive-through to buy the kids and hubby dinner from Macca's after a gym session the other night.

Then even when the son left 2 bites of a Big Mac - I didn't eat it. I picked it up and put it straight in the bin. Hooray me!!!!!

I made myself a chicken and vege stir fry and it was great.

The exercise - well, it's been hard but I have enjoyed it. Sunday I hurt bad, Monday it was a bit better, Tuesday after the Pump class the night before I hurt again, and have been getting better each day.

So far since Monday, I have done a Pump class, 2 cardio sessions (45 mins each) and 2 weight sessions (60 mins each).

So today, I am little weary. However, tomorrow I am back to the gym in the morning and then off to do some form of fun exercise with the kids in the afternoon.

Sunday I will have the day off.
Weigh in is on Monday morning, so that will be the true test of how well I've done.
The actual competition we haven't really been part of as yet - On Tuesday we are meeting as a group for the first time for our first challenge. We are meeting at a local lookout, which I have a niggling feeling we are going to have to climb. The photo below shows a picture someone took from the top - this may look like a mole hill to some, but to me it looks like a mountain.

Anyway, will update you more after Tuesday.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Biggest Loser - via Radio

Well, I'm finally about to venture into something interesting !!!!
Our local radio station is having a promotion for the next three months in conjunction with the Biggest Loser show on TV. But they are obviously doing it via radio.
They called for people to enter and so I thought, what the hell!
And guess what?? I got picked........ Anyone who has know me for a while, knows I also got married via the radio - must be a thing of mine....

So what do I get out of it.....
1. 3 Month gym membership (which I plan to flog at least 6 days a week)
2. Personal training sessions (how many I'm not sure yet)
3. Tailored eating plan (consisting of salad and grilled chicken I'm sure)
4. The whole of Mackay hearing my progress from week to week
5. Fabulous new me at the end of the three months (or at least a smaller me :-) )

Which I think is what I need. I have gone down the WW route, Tony Ferguson, Atkins blah blah blah. None of that worked.... because of a few reasons.
1. I'm a bit lazy in this department
2. There was no-one there to kick my arse
3. Who cares if my family and friends know I failed, they'll get over it.

So, why not try it this way. I'm really hoping my competitive streak kicks in and I'm pretty sure it will. I have a point to prove.

They are going to have weekly challenges along the way - pulling buses, running up hills etc etc. So that should be interesting.

Anyway, I think my blogs will be full of info on this challenge, which I am really excited about.

Might even post some photos along the way.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cyclone Yasi

Well we weathered the storm. Not that much head our way. We were the lucky ones at the southern most tip of the cyclone.
Yesterday was nuts, there were people everywhere in the morning buying up generators, masking tape, supplies, gas etc. It was good to see, as everyone was taking it seriously.
My concern is that because we didn't get much from this one, that people will start getting complacent the next time we get a warning. The Mackayite's (god love 'em) never seem to think it will hit. And I hope it never does.....
But the day we stop preparing will be the day that it does pick Mackay and will leave no parishioner's. I for one will continue to tape up my windows, fill my water bottles, plan my escape route and generally take each warning seriously.
I have a feeling we haven't heard the last of Mother Nature for this season.