Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Isajourney Day 5!!

Well I'm on my second cleanse day today!! And it's not going bad at all. Feeling good and more alert. Definitely happy with the progress.
Am thinking I'm wanting to continue with another 30 days.
Just a quick update for you today. Nothing else to share.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Isajourney Day 2!!

Day 2!!!
Day one went well. The shakes are yummy, the water was a little hard to get through.  Managed 5 of the 6 bottles I was supposed to drink.
Spent a lot of the day emptying my bladder lol which is the point I suppose.
My body will get use to that hopefully. Only really felt hungry about 6 pm which told me it was time for dinner. 
Dinner was lovely.  A pic below to show it off!!!
Here's to another great few days.

Obviously a before photo there as well. Hmmm can only get better.

Friday, October 9, 2015

New Life Starts Tomorrow

Thanks to a colleague of mine, I'm fairly confident I have found the company that will change my life!!!
He arrived at my workplace 3 and a bit months after I'd seen him last and had dropped 31 kgs.  Needless to say I, ever dieting Ange was Very very interested in finding out what he'd been doing.
After speaking to him and his lovely wife I am about to start Isagenix.
Don't worry I've done my research and I'm really really excited.
So ordered it all last Saturday and it arrived today. Real keen to start tomorrow. So ill take measurements and photos and do the weigh in tomorrow.

Yes I want to lose weight but more importantly I can't wait to feel better, less tired, more energy.
If all the claims are true, I'll be running 5 kgs by xmas.
I'd be satisfied if I could wear my work shirt without having to pull it down over my backside every 2 secs.
So here we go again for the last time!!!!

Talk soon!!!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Goodness me. Where has the last 2 and a bit years gone!!!!

Fascinating!!! I can't believe I'm writing the same update blog as last time lol.
2 and a bit years on and what's the update.
Lost more weight, put it back on haha. My latest is low carb ie: nearly none!! And I love it. Last year I lost 16 Kgs doing that and it was fairly easy. Once you're use to the no sugar thing it's all good.
And back on it again now and enjoying it.
Work- am not selling cars anymore, while I loved the actual selling, the company I was working for had a few changes of management and I didn't really see eye to eye, so I moved on.
I am now a sales rep for a auto parts company. I've been in the job about 4 months now and am still enjoying it. Company car and all that stuff.  Means a bit of travelling once a fortnight that's working out ok too.
The kids are older now, the daughter has her license and we hardly see her and the son is nearly 15 and very helpful.
Hubby is out of work at the moment but hopefully will get something soon.
We are about to buy a caravan and upgrade from the camping trailer. Pretty excited I'll tell you.
So hopefully my blog will turn into a caravanning blog with awesome ideas and stories,
In the meantime I think that's about it for now.